Statistical Awareness for Non-Technical Marketing Staff
Aim here is that internal employees when meeting with external parties have the confidence and understanding to express persuasively the statistical findings from the latest RCT/observational/H.E./Budget impact study
For example, perhaps the latest published RCT manuscript shows very favourable Kaplan-Meier survival curves for your product against the leading competitor, except towards the study end periods. Your statisticians explain there are good reasons for this due to censoring. However the impact will be lost as your wider staff struggle to comprehend the statisticians. We run fun sessions, showing just how Kaplan-Meier curves can be derived and what exactly your statisticians mean using largely non-mathematical approaches. Our latest workshop did just this and received fabulous feedback.
We can cover concepts related to understanding the different types of uncertainty, what p values represent, concepts related to network meta-analysis, surrogate endpoint validation, and health economic modelling.
We usually insist on using a portion of clients own data when running such workshops – provides an obvious relevant focus point.